Excerpts from a Residual Atlas is an ongoing installation project in conjunction with the publication series Sediment | Sentiment.. The series uses collected dryer lint as a metaphor for daily sedimentation, and explores human residue as an archeological phenomenon.
Sediment | Sentiment is a series of works that use the visual language of archaeology to explore sediment as a metaphor to refer to the parts of ourselves we leave behind on a daily basis: physically, verbally, and emotionally. Dryer lint was collected from individuals and laundromats across the city of Chicago as a material analog (detail of dryer lint flocking shown above).
The first issue of the publication was a "Personal Sediment Collection Starter Kit" and instructed the reader on how to collect their own sediment and the sediment of those around them.
Excerpts from a Residual Atlas is an ongoing installation project in conjunction with the publication series Sediment | Sentiment.. The series uses collected dryer lint as a metaphor for daily sedimentation, and explores human residue as an archeological phenomenon.
Sediment | Sentiment began as the name of a series of publications made between 2010 – 2013. Source imagery and typography for the books comes from an archeological study titled Woodland Period Occupations of the Napoleon Hollow Site in The Lower Illinois Valley by Michael D. Wiant that was withdrawn from the Chicago Public Library in 2010.
Upon finding Woodland Period Occupations of the Napoleon Hollow Site in The Lower Illinois Valley I was struck by the intricacy and stylization of the many charts, maps, graphs, and illustrations that filled an otherwise objective text. Arriving from a realm of family folklore and genealogy as forms of personal archaeology, I began to remove the text and insert myself between lines and graphs.
The second issue was a "Field Guide" that traced memories to across different maps.
Sediment | Sentiment: Collector’s Edition is both a comprehensive collection of the publications and a kit to encourage other types of collecting. Alongside the publications are homespun tools for performing your own domestic, small-scale archaeological digs: miniature funnel and strainer for flotation analysis; bags, slides and test tubes for collecting a range of materials; and chisel, brush, and multi-functional tweezer-shovel for the real dirty (or dusty) work. The case itself acts as a traveling toolbox and a set of two collection trays for use in the field.